Why calibrate your weights with INSCO. Metrology

Why calibrate your weights with INSCO. Metrology

We are the only laboratory in the state of Florida, US, and one of the few in the country capable of performing Echelon I calibrations.

We are the only laboratory in the state of Florida, US, and one of the few in the country capable of performing Echelon I calibrations.

Temperature Calibration

Temperature Calibration

We can calibrate a wide variety of equipment, including SPRTs, PRTs, thermistors, thermocouples, and liquid-in-glass thermometers.

Mass Calibration

Mass Calibration

Calibration Services for all weights are performed using the latest state-of-the-art comparators.





INSCO Metrology Inc. is a leading provider of calibration services accredited by NVLAP under ISO/IEC 17025, with more than 20 years of experience in different industries, such as pharmaceutical, aeronautical and food among others. Providing the highest standards in calibration and certification of measurement devices. Also, our dedication to improvement and quality drives us to the latest technology. Likewise, our main objective is to offer calibration services with the highest quality and competitive prices. We distribute high-quality calibration weights from 1 mg to 50 kg in all classes from E1 to M3 in OIML, class 0 to 7 in ASTM and NIST F. We also distribute custom weights and offer weight calibration services to ensure the highest standards of quality measurement.                                            

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